Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Spain PM Rajoy Starts Talks To Form Government After Vote Backlash

MADRID:  Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy met with the leader of the main opposition party today to launch complicated talks on forming a coalition or minority government after his party won the most votes in national elections but fell short of a parliamentary majority.

Rajoy hosted Socialist Party leader Pedro Sanchez at Spain's presidential palace after Sunday's election gave Rajoy's Popular Party 123 seats in the 350-member lower house of parliament, down from the 186 won in 2011.

The Socialists got 90 seats, followed by the far-left Podemos and allies with 69 and the business-friendly Ciudadanos with 40.

Spain has never had a "grand coalition" of the Socialist and Popular parties and analysts predict weeks or months of uncertainty before the country has a functioning government led by the Popular Party or the Socialist Party - or fresh elections in the spring if neither party succeeds.

Sanchez said after Sunday's election that it's up to the Popular Party to try to form a government because it got the most votes.

But a Socialist Party spokesman has said the Socialists would not abstain in a parliamentary confidence vote.

Abstention by the Socialists would allow a Rajoy-led minority government because Ciudadanos has already said it would abstain.

In a first parliamentary vote, the candidate must get more than 50 percent of the full 350 votes in order to form a government.

If he falls short, he must get more votes for him than against him in a second ballot 48 hours later. That's a lower bar allowing parties to abstain, letting a rival into power in return for concessions.

If there is still deadlock after two months, King Felipe VI calls a new election.

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